luni, 30 noiembrie 2009

De ce?

Sunt multe intrebari care incep cu "De ce?", cum ar fi: de ce te iubesc? Ei bine nici eu nu stiu dar cert e ca te iubesc. Acum stau si ascult melodia "tu si eu" a lui Stefan Banica Jr. si ma gandesc la momentele frumoase petrecute impreuna. Mai tii minte cand ne plimbam de mana prin parc fara sa ne deranjeze ca ne cauta parintii, pt. ca nu conta? Mai stii cand scapam mai devreme de la scoala si ne intalneam in parculetul nostru? Iti mai aduci aminte cand ne-am spus pt. prima data unul celuilalt ca ne iubeam? Stii, mi-e dor de momentele acelea atat de simple... :( As vrea sa dau timpul inapoi ca sa ma pot bucura din plin de aceste cuvinte atat de simple si totusi atat de complicate, "Te iubesc!" ultima mea dorinta ar fi sa ma intorc la momentele frumoase petrecute impreuna. Mi-e atat de dor de ele... :-<

vineri, 9 octombrie 2009


I always thought you were my best friend but you have destroyed my friendship for you with your silly jokes. I was always listening to you although maybe I wasn't interested in that subject or I wasn't in the mood to be listening to you; but because I considered you my best friend, I kept listening to you and hoping that you will listen to me too when I would need it. I will miss all the good moments that we passes through, together. I just thought you know me but you didn't prove it. I thought you knew I didn't like those jokes but it didn't matter to you that you could lose such a good friend because of them. I'm sorry, I will really miss you.

duminică, 13 septembrie 2009


So... tomorrow begins the school. Somehow, I can't wait it.Why? lets see... hmm. Because I miss my classmates and all my friends from high school but also some of my teachers like my formmaster, my English teacher or my Romanian teacher. You might not believe me but I also miss my history teacher :)) I don't even believe myself but it's the truth, I really miss them all. I miss the debates we make for everything like what should we buy for the class to where we can go when we skip classes or everything else. I miss hurrying to classes when the bell rings to announce us to get to our classes and when we smoke the last fume before a difficult class and all the things we do at school. I can't wait for school to begin. See you tomorrow folks!

vineri, 11 septembrie 2009


Love... is it real or just an abstract feeling? I say it's real but some people think is abstract or that it's just about chemistry and that love doesn't really exist. One of my best girlfriends agrees with the third opinion and we are always arguing on this subject.Somehow I agree with her opinion except of that she says love doesn't exist at all and that it's all about chemistry. I think love really exists but it isn't complete without chemistry and that they complete each other so, they can't be one without the other. Do you agree with me? please leave some comments to let me know about your opinion

miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009

Still the same ;)

I'm still the same simple girl although some people think i've changed. I' ve never changed, it's just that the ones that pretend to know me very well, don't know me at all. Through my blog I want everybody to know me the way I really am. I'm not a perfect girl. Sometimes I feel like it would have been better if I was never born or maybe some days just nothing goes right. But. when I think about it and take a step back I remember how amazing life truly is and that maybe, just maybe I like being unperfect...